Hello World!

Hi there! This is the start of something new. And as a programmer, starting something new often starts with printing “Hello World!” on the screen. So here we are.

Allow me to introduce myself

My name is Reinder van Bochove. I’m a software developer from The Netherlands. You can read more about me here if you’d like. I enjoy tinkering with configurations in Linux and building my own fun projects. Most of these projects aren’t public. They are just for me. To learn something new, or just to have some fun. Lately I was thinking about ways to share more of what I do and learn with the developer community. The time I spend tinkering with either tooling or programming languages, might be of interest to others as well. Be it for education or inspiration purposes. That’s why I created this blog. To share my progress, my views on tech and the fun that goes with trying new and exciting things.

I hope to share my learnings

Also, I’ve been a programmer for quite a while now. In the beginning, being a developer was overwhelming enough. There’s so much you need to learn. Not only learning a programming language, but also the tooling around it. Working in teams. These are all quite hard in the beginning. Now that I’m a professional developer for about 7 or 8 years, I’m more confident and less overwhelmed. This gives me the opportunity to share how I started out as a developer, what’s important to me and what I’ve learned along the way.

This blog will be my outlet

You can expect me to write about honing the craft, so to speak. I love improving my workflow, from my editor, the tools I use, to the routines I have. I will also write about fun projects I’m working on. And furthermore, from time to time I like to pick up a new programming language. Just to learn different mental models. Some of these languages stay part of my toolbox. Others were just fun to get an insight in something different than what I’m used to. I’d like to write about those experiences. For example, at this moment I’m learning Elixir and the Phoenix Framework. It’s kind of dazzling, because functional programming languages are quite different from the more object oriented languages I’m used to. But it’s super fun to learn!

This blog is created with Astro, by the way. That’s quite an awesome tool for building static websites. Maybe I’ll write about that some day. We’ll see.