Hi there! 👋 I'm Reinder van Bochove. I work as a freelance software developer in The Netherlands. My company is called Plain Code.

My fascination for computers started at an early age, when my dad brought home an Intel 386 powerhouse. Of course, it wasn't a powerhouse. But back then it was a decent machine, and for me it was the start of a great hobby that eventually led to my current carreer.

I've worked as backend developer for ecommerce agencies and in-house software teams. A few years back my desire to work more closely with clients led me to becoming a freelancer. This also brought me the opportunity to work with more techniques.

In recent years I've learned to love the craft. In the early years of being a developer, it was overwhelming enough to learn how to code, work in a team, push features. Over the years, as my abilities and confidence grew, I started tinkering with my workflow. Finding ways to improve it, make it more fun.

These days I enjoy using Neovim as my editor. I practically live in the terminal. And I love to tweak my workflow to become more productive and have more fun while doing so.

Hopefully this blog can be an inspiration to anyone who's enthusiastic about software development and optimizing workflows.